

거의 6주(하루 모자름) 그리고 6주하고 이틀 후에 매독 래피드 키트검사 어느 정도 신뢰
외국 사이트를 보니 6주면 거의( standard syphilis blood test is always positive within 6 weeks" A negative test later than 6 weeks proves the person was not infected.) 확실하다고 H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.께서 말씀합니다. 6주후면 매독 양성은 거의 모두 확진이고 음성으로 나오면 100% 확실하다고 그럽니다. 선생님의 생각은 어떠한지 궁금합니다. 여기 상담란을 보니 6주면 매독 신속검사 95%라고 말씀하신거 같은데. 저는 거의 6주(하루 모자름) 보건소에서 성병(매독)검사하고 그리고 6주하고 이틀 후에 매독 래피드 키트검사를 했습니다. 어느 정도 신뢰해도 될까요? 결과는 모두 음성이고 이것이 6주후에 양전될 가능성이 있을까요?

여기 사이트글 복사합니다.
Answered by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.Blank
5 months ago I had protected sex with sex worker.. I had no HIV, chlamydia or syphilis symptoms but I did complete STD test after 5 weeks - it was negative.. I had another test around 80 days from the risk.. They told me as first test was negative they will do HIV test only and syphilis test is not needed (even I read incubation period can be up to 90 days) - HIV test was negative .. I also bought that home syphilis test kit - test was also negative (around 12 weeks from the risk).. Maybe iam getting paranoid but after those 5 months my wife got strange sore on her lip (corner of mouth)(and it was few days after she was doing oral sex with me) .. during those 5 months we had sex several times (not often but we had). I still have no STD symptoms . Would be possible that I have syphilis without any symptoms and tests were false negative - and is 5 weeks syphilis blood test really conclusive ?? Could she get syphilis after 5 months ??? Am I freaking out or should I get re-tested..
Thanks a much
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H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.Blank
Jan 07, 2010
Welcome to the forum. It is pretty much impossible you have syphilis.

First, syphilis is rare in the US and most industrialized countries. In the US, there are only 10,000-20,000 new cases yearly in the entire country and most of those occur in gay men. Even among sex workers, it is a very rare problem, so it is very unlikely your partner was infected. Second, condoms are highly effective in preventing syphilis. Third, if you had syphilis, probably you would have had symptoms, i.e. an obvious sore (the chancre) of primary syphilis. Fourth, if you had syphilis more than 3-4 months, there is a good chance you would have had secondary syphilis, with a skin rash and other symptoms. Finally, the standard syphilis blood test is always positive within 6 weeks, so your negative test at 12 weeks proves you weren't infected.

So there is no possibility your wife's oral sore was due to syphilis that she caught from you. There are numerous causes of such lesions, all of them a hundred times or more common than syphilis. Oral herpes is always a consideration. If her sore has cleared up and doesn't return, probably nothing need be done. If similar sores appear in the future, she should see her health care provider about it. Whatever she has, it is entirely unrelated to your commercial sex adventure several months ago. Don't worry about it.

I hope that helps. Best wishes-- HHH, MD
Jan 07, 2010
Thanks for you answer that 12 weeks was home self test kit what we can purcharse here in Europe in a drugstore can I trust such a test??? Only "real" test I had in local STD centre in 5 weeks from the risk - is this conclusive???thanks a much for your patience
Jan 07, 2010
Also how to undrestand your statement: standard syphilis blood test is always positive within 6 weeks,
H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D.Blank
Jan 07, 2010
Obviously you missed the main point of my reply. I gave you several reasons why you can be sure you don't have syphilis, not only the test result. Even without any test, you could be 100% certain you didn't catch syphilis.

"how to undrestand your statement: standard syphilis blood test is always positive within 6 weeks" A negative test later than 6 weeks proves the person was not infected. However, as you were told on the community forum, even 5 weeks is highly accurate.

There are no over-the-counter tests available in the US and I am unfamiliar with those available in other countries. But the technology of syphilis testing, including the rapid tests, is highly reliable.

You need to accept the reassurance you have received, not only here but on the STD community forum -- and accept the apparently difficult reality that you do not have syphilis. Go on with your life.

That's aall for this thread. I wont have any further comments or advice.

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